Sitting T’ai Chi online

7:30 am PDT (Los Angeles)/9:30 am CDT (Chicago)/10:30 am EDT (New York)/4:30 pm CET (Amsterdam)
Each class is a separate lesson. Classes are taught in English.

Join Laura Stone for this moving meditation
sitting (30 minutes) and standing (15 minutes) and open sharing time.

Stepping practice will occasionally be included.

T’ai Chi sitting is a way to experience the flow, connection and grace of movement that this Chinese art of movement offers. With the legs and feet grounded, the focus can be placed (more easily) on the breath and upper body movement. Connecting to the legs and feet while sitting and moving provides a foundation for improving balance, strength and connection while standing.
But the best part for many is that it feels good to do this sort of meditative, embodied movement.

Relaxing/letting go/releasing (“Song” in Chinese). Connecting mind and body. Moving from your heart.
Experience the principles of William C. C. Chen’s T’ai Chi Ch’uan as embodied by lifelong practitioner and teacher Laura Stone.
Everyone is welcome. Experienced T’ai Chi players may also find these classes of benefit to their practice.We will meet online with Zoom. Each class will be recorded and available afterwards.
These classes are free.

You are welcome to make a donation of time or money to a non-profit or charity of your choice; that would make me very happy.
Our earth and so many people and organizations are in (dire) need of support.
It will also make me most happy if these sitting and standing T’ai Chi exercises are enjoyable and of benefit to you.

Normally you will receive the Zoom link at least ½ hour before the class begins. If you are new to Zoom, please join the meeting 10 minutes early so we can help you with the connection.
Looking forward to practicing with you online!

Register here

Dusk July 2024 (photo: Laura Stone)

updated 15 July 2024

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