Newsletter End 2020

Dear reader,

The Netherlands, just as in so many places in the world, is on a strict lockdown. Hopefully you are remaining well and safe in this time of Corona.

Being open and staying open – that is the challenge. This invites creativity, flexibility and wisdom. And a bit of technical know-how is also helpful! 

Sitting T’ai Chi en T’ai Chi Calligraphy have been held online internationally for the last few months; in English with translations in German and Dutch when necessary. What an inspiration: Via the internet screen it is really possible to connect and practice with each other on a deep level. Who would have thought a year ago…

We were so fortunate that the Chinese Calligraphy Workshop with Master Wang Ning took place just before the stricter travel restrictions (October). See the photo album here.
We hope to welcome him again at 30-31 January 2021. More info below.

Locally until 14 December we were allowed to practice live in smaller groups and bigger training halls. These classes were bright spots in the week – together with proper physical distancing and ventilation.
The power and magic of T’ai Chi, Qigong and being together invite tranquility and awaken energy at the same time. 

I remain thankful for the trust in The Studio and the inspiring practices that we offer. 

Wishing you a happy New Year’s celebration with warmth and light.
Until we meet again, at a workshop, festival or somewhere along the way – live or online,

Laura Stone
29 december 2020





Sitting T’ai Chi with Laura Stone online 
Weekly on Monday beginning 11 January 2021
16.30 – 17.30 uur Free
T’ai Chi sitting is a way to experience the flow, connection and grace of movement. And the best part for many is that it feels good to do this sort of meditative, embodied movement. Relaxing/letting go/releasing (“Song” in Chinese). Connecting mind and body. Moving from your heart. This class is given in English.
Info and registration


Chinese Calligraphy with Master Wang Ning
Workshop 30-31 January 2021 in Deventer
(This workshop will be given if the Corona regulations allow)
Open to everyone; maximum 12 participants 
Info and registration

Online every other week starting 13/01
Open to those who have had classes/workshops with Master Wang.
Hosted on Zoom by Laura Stone.
Info and registration



Our monthly boxing Sundays continue online and live when possible – without physical contact. We stay in shape with punching and stepping techniques, heavy bag training and boxing stick practice. Just wait till we can try everything out again in physical interaction!  
Post intensive training Sundays are also continuing live and online. Now in its 4th year. Super.
Workshop agenda

Thank you for your interest in The Studio.
Questions? Feel free to contact me.


“Merry Christmas”
by Meester Wang Ning
21 december 2020


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