7 – 9 February 2025
No experience necessary for the Friday evening introduction and/or the Saturday program.
New participants are also welcome for the whole weekend.

Friday Introduction
7:30 – 9 pm
Saturday and Sunday
10 am – 5 pm with
lunch break
Saturday and Sunday
10 – 17 hours with tea and lunch breaks
Introduction of the Chinese characters, calligraphy practice and the four treasures,
connecting with the qualities of the movements of T’ai Chi.
Practice! Grinding your own ink with ink stick and ink stone;
Holding and using a Chinese brush:
Experiencing the inked brush touching and connecting with the paper;
Seeing the black ink strokes appear.
Connecting with the flow.
No experience necessary. Space limited.
The (New) Studio, Deventer
From the Deventer train station: a 10 minute walk.

€ 15 for the Friday Introduction (19.30-21 hours)
€ 125 for Saturday (10-17 hours)
€ 215 for Saturday and Sunday (10-17 hours)
- class fees are exclusive calligraphy materials (brush, ink and ink stone); including paper and soup with lunch (bring your own sandwich)
- calligraphy materials: € 30 for brush, ink stick and ink stone. (pay cash at the workshop please).
- Master Wang will give each participant a personal calligraphy, for example of his or her name.
- A Chinese Seal (Chop) may be ordered.
- maximum 12 participants per day
- Priority for participants for both days until 27 January 2925
REGISTRATION – coming soon!
Registration form – (in Dutch – please contact us if you need translation)
Priority to participants registering for the entire workshop (until 27 January 2025)
Your registration is complete when the workshop fees are received in this account: IBAN: NL59 TRIO 0320 2089 74 (BIC: TRIONL2U) in the name of Welstone. Please note Master Wang Ning with your payment.